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How to Become an SEO Expert (for Beginners)

As the online marketing industry continues to grow more business on the internet it also has increased the online customers for their online businesses. But for a successful online business, it requires being famous and it should be easy to find on any search engine such as Google and Bing. According to a survey it is resulted that more than 1 billion websites are present and all of them are seeking for attention in search engine results pages (SERPs).

It is observed that 68% of the online experiences began with the search engine and you want to your brand to be a part of that experience.  If you have built a new website or you have an old one running your business you need SEO for your product. SEO is essential skill. Many countless freelancers and Marketing agencies are offering the SEO service. But there always demand for SEO Experts in Market. Before starting your career as a SEO you have to learn what SEO is. In this blog we will learn what SEO is and how to start a career as an Expert SEO.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is use to optimize your website with the intention of improving the search key words rankings and increasing the organic traffic  on your site from the search engine results pages (SERP). It improves your website’s online visibility for searches which is relevant to you so in other words we can say that it is a fundamental part of ranking. If you have a website and not showing in SERPs for the respective keywords or phrases that you think that it should be than it means that you are either doing something wrong or you have to do more work to improve your website ranking.

There are some reasons behind why you aren’t ranking;

  1. Your competitors may have better content as compare to you that’s why your website is not ranking.
  2. You are not using the effective keywords for your website.
  3. For building practices you are using the old links.
  4. Your webpage load time also effect it’s ranking as if it’s slow to load.
  5. Your website has a poor user experience it’s another reason for not ranking your website.

How SEO works:

Search engines cater to users by listing the web pages that are the most relevant to the terms for what people are searching. Multiple types of factors are use to analyze and determine the relevance for a given website. Although Google can’t reveal all of these factors which are helpful for search engine optimizing but many marketers know these factors on which base they optimize any website. An expert SEO should have to know about all these top factors which are following;

  1. Domain age, URL and the authority
  2. Links
  3. Mobile-friendliness
  4. Optimized content used for the website
  5. Page loading speed both on the desktop and mobile screen page loading.
  6. Provided Real business information
  7. A secured and easy to accessible website.
  8. Social signals connected with it.
  9. Technical SEO
  10. And at the end User Experience (Google RankBrain).

There are three steps that we should follow when we are ranking a website;

  • Crawling:

For adding your website and its pages Google uses web crawlers which are a fully automated function. After this Google save these pages or URL. These pages can easily found by different methods by the best of them is to find them by following links from pages which are already in use from the Google such as other websites.

  • Indexing:

Index is basically a huge database which analyzes your whole website and find what your pages are about and also check the content, images, videos and audios and store all of these pages to its index.

  • Serving Search Results:

When someone searches something on the Google it shows them the highest ranking and relevant results to the user. For these results it user different kinds of factors. These factors may include on the user’s location, language, device and previous queries these results are often personalize to the searcher.

What are the Benefits of SEO?

 In today’s digital marketing world SEO is become a popular thing to grow your site ranking. For maintaining their online presence, many business relay on the SEO which helps them to bring new customers to their website.

There are many ways through which SEO helps to benefits businesses.

1.It has Great ROI:

Organic search typically have a higher conversion rate as compare to the lead generated by the paid search, social media marketing or some print advertisement. SEO is more about investing your time as compare to spending real dollars on ads.

2.It Improves Online Visibility of Website:

With different combination of keywords people do different organic searches if your website appears in search results for various permutations of keywords such as cloud computing, cloud platform, platform for cloud than it has good chances for having strong visibility.

3.It gives your Brand Credibility. Your ranking is often synonymous with your credibility. 

  Market Demand for SEO Experts:

SEO Experts are in high in demand as many companies are available in market and they all have their competitors so they always try to make their position on the top between their competitors. So these companies hire the SEO experts which help them to create some quality web traffic, digital campaigns and bring some new business to the company.

Job Responsibilities as an SEO Expert:


It is the most significant responsibility of an SEO expert. This optimization includes both on-page and off-page search engine optimization.

On-Page SEO includes;

  • Content creation and optimization
  • Conversion optimization
  • Header tags, title tags and Meta description of your content and tags.
  • Images and ALT text
  • Keyword research and placement
  • URL structure
  • User Experience

Off-Page SEO includes;

  • Asset creation in which infographics and video includes.
  • Guest blogging
  • Building of Link
  • Press releases
  • Increasing of traffic from social media platform to your website.

Steps to become an SEO Expert

In the world of online you can learn many skills by just online without going officially to a school or college.  If you are interested to become an SEO Expert than there are some steps you should follow to achieve your goal.

  • You have to learn first of all that how search engines actually work.
  • Then you have to understand the concepts and all the strategies of SEO.
  • Then you have to participate in some SEO Training program (Online or regular).
  • You have your eyes on industry trends and news.
  • You have to know about the SEO Tools.
  • You have to do experiment SEO tactics on your own website or blog.
  • You have to show your employers your efforts and results.


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