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HomeEarningHow to Start Freelancing (Basic for Beginners)

How to Start Freelancing (Basic for Beginners)

Lots of People have confusion about what basically a freelancing is. We can say that freelancers are self-employed and they mostly referred as independent contractor. Not only as an independent contractor they can also hired by other companies on a part time or short term basic according to their respective field.

How I become a Freelancer?

  • To become a good Freelancer you have to define your services and offering that you are providing.
  • Then you have to set your target audience whom you are serving.
  • After this you have to check the market and set your pricing structure where it helps you to give you right suggestion about developing price of your service.
  • Now the next step is to create your portfolio with past jobs experience mentioned on it.
  • There are several websites that provide platforms to freelancers where they can create or upload their portfolio and can start freelancing.
  • Now after creating portfolio a freelancer’s target is to create a great proposal and create a good relationship with the client.

    Some Skills need for freelancing


First of all communication skill is very important as it helps the freelancers to consult with the client on project requirements such as deadlines, material and content of project.



It will help to create a fair contract between Freelancer and client which ensure that you and client both have similar expectations. This basically includes information about the project requirements.


Industry Knowledge:

Freelancers have good knowledge about the industry as they often work independently. For competence of any project they have to rely on their own knowledge so for this they have confidence and deeper knowledge of their field.


If freelancers have marketing skills he may help his client to build strong and reputable brands. For all of this they have an understanding that how to attract their audience and how to make that brand more popular and marketable.

Graphic Designing:

A Freelancer having good skill of graphic designing can represent his services more accurately by using logo or images. He can use creativity to enhance his project and optimize his skills.



Project Management:

You have to faith on yourself that you will manage the project with in time and within budget and it will also fulfill the user requirements.



As freelancers work with numerous person even in an organization they sometime needs to handle sensitive topic so here need for actively listening to colleagues an familiarizing themselves with conflict resolution.


Next We Will Learn About Demanding Top Fields for Freelancing



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